PLAYER-PARENT Forms and Info

EBC Football Player Forms:

BOTH forms are required to be completed to play football with EBC.

The EBC Player Contract includes the players basic information and your contact information and is kept on file with EBC. (This form is not needed if you registered online.)

The Physical Form -  Red Rose League Contract is required by the Red Rose Midget Football League (which EBC competes in). It also requires the signature of the players physician BEFORE the first padded practice.

EBC Player Contract
Physical Form (Red Rose League Player Contract)


Red Rose Football League Info

Committee Corner

Player Mouth Piece Condition and Safety Memo From the Commissioner - Mouth piece.doc

Players Slightly Over Weight - Diet Tips.doc

Chain Gang Etiquette - Chain_Gang_Etiquette.pdf


 Helmet & Pad Care

Helmet Care and Cleaning

 Equipment Checklist & Guidelines

This is a copy of what you signed for the 2020 season.  Please review it and understand your responsibilities.

Equipment Form - 2014